SGSky Class Reference

A class to model a realistic (time/date/position) based sky. More...

#include <sky.hxx>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SGSky (void)
 ~SGSky (void)
void build (double h_radius_m, double v_radius_m, double sun_size, double moon_size, const SGEphemeris &eph, SGPropertyNode *property_tree_node)
 Initialize the sky and connect the components to the scene graph at the provided branch.
bool repaint (const SGSkyColor &sc, const SGEphemeris &eph)
 Repaint the sky components based on current value of sun_angle, sky, and fog colors.
bool reposition (const SGSkyState &st, const SGEphemeris &eph, double dt=0.0)
 Reposition the sky at the specified origin and orientation.
void modify_vis (float alt, float time_factor)
 Modify the given visibility based on cloud layers, thickness, transition range, and simulated "puffs".
void texture_path (const string &path)
 Specify the texture path (optional, defaults to current directory).
void enable ()
 Enable drawing of the sky.
void disable ()
 Disable drawing of the sky in the scene graph.
SGVec4f get_sun_color ()
 Get the current sun color.
SGVec4f get_scene_color ()
 Get the current scene color.
void add_cloud_layer (SGCloudLayer *layer)
 Add a cloud layer.
const SGCloudLayerget_cloud_layer (int i) const
 Get a cloud layer (const).
SGCloudLayerget_cloud_layer (int i)
 Get a cloud layer (non-const).
int get_cloud_layer_count () const
 Return the number of cloud layers currently available.
float get_visibility () const
void set_visibility (float v)
 Set desired clear air visibility.
virtual double get_3dCloudDensity () const
 Get 3D cloud density.
virtual void set_3dCloudDensity (double density)
 Set 3D cloud density.
virtual float get_3dCloudVisRange () const
 Get 3D cloud visibility range.
virtual void set_3dCloudVisRange (float vis)
 Set 3D cloud visibility range.

Detailed Description

A class to model a realistic (time/date/position) based sky.


The SGSky class models a blended sky dome, a haloed sun, a textured moon with phase that properly matches the date, stars and planets, and cloud layers. SGSky is designed to be dropped into existing plib based applications and depends heavily on plib's scene graph library, ssg. The sky implements various time of day lighting effects, it plays well with fog and visibility effects, and implements scudded cloud fly-through effects. Additionally, you can wire in the output of the SGEphemeris class to accurately position all the objects in the sky.

Building the sky

Once you have created an instance of SGSky you must call the build() method. Building the sky requires several textures. So, you must specify the path/directory where these textures reside before building the sky. You do this first by calling the texture_path() method.

The arguments you pass to the build() method allow you to specify the horizontal and vertical radiuses of the sky dome, the size of your sun sphere and moon sphere, a number of planets, and a multitude of stars. For the planets and stars you pass in an array of right ascensions, declinations, and magnitudes.

Cloud Layers

Cloud layers can be added, changed, or removed individually. To add a cloud layer use the add_cloud_layer() method. The arguments allow you to specify base height above sea level, layer thickness, a transition zone for entering/leaving the cloud layer, the size of the cloud object, and the type of cloud texture. All distances are in meters. There are additional forms of this method that allow you to specify your own ssgSimpleState or texture name for drawing the cloud layer.

Repainting the Sky

As the sun circles the globe, you can call the repaint() method to recolor the sky objects to simulate sunrise and sunset effects, visibility, and other lighting changes. The arguments allow you to specify a base sky color (for the top of the dome), a fog color (for the horizon), the sun angle with the horizon (for sunrise/sunset effects), the moon angle (so we can make it more yellow at the horizon), and new star and planet data so that we can optionally change the magnitude of these (for day / night transitions.)

Positioning Sky Objects

As time progresses and as you move across the surface of the earth, the apparent position of the objects and the various lighting effects can change. the reposition() method allows you to specify the positions of all the sky objects as well as your view position. The arguments allow you to specify your view position in world Cartesian coordinates, the zero elevation position in world Cartesian coordinates (your longitude, your latitude, sea level), the ``up'' vector in world Cartesian coordinates, current longitude, latitude, and altitude. A ``spin'' angle can be specified for orienting the sky with the sun position so sunset and sunrise effects look correct. You must specify GMT side real time, the sun right ascension, sun declination, and sun distance from view point (to keep it inside your view volume.) You also must specify moon right ascension, moon declination, and moon distance from view point.

Rendering the Sky

The sky is designed to be rendered in three stages. The first stage renders the parts that form your back drop - the sky dome, the stars and planets, the sun, and the moon. These should be rendered before the rest of your scene by calling the preDraw() method. The second stage renders the clouds that are above the viewer. This stage is done before translucent objects in the main scene are drawn. It is seperated from the preDraw routine to enable to implement a multi passes technique and is located in the drawUpperClouds() method. The third stage renders the clouds that are below the viewer an which are likely to be translucent (depending on type) and should be drawn after your scene has been rendered. Use the drawLowerClouds() method to draw the second stage of the sky.

A typical application might do the following:

thesky->preDraw( my_altitude ); thesky->drawUpperClouds(); ssgCullAndDraw ( myscene ) ; thesky->drawLowerClouds();

The current altitude in meters is passed to the preDraw() method so the clouds layers can be rendered correction from most distant to closest.

Visibility Effects

Visibility and fog is important for correctly rendering the sky. You can inform SGSky of the current visibility by calling the set_visibility() method.

When transitioning through clouds, it is nice to pull in the fog as you get close to the cloud layer to hide the fact that the clouds are drawn as a flat polygon. As you get nearer to the cloud layer it is also nice to temporarily pull in the visibility to simulate the effects of flying in and out of the puffy edge of the cloud. These effects can all be accomplished by calling the modify_vis() method. The arguments allow you to specify your current altitude (which is then compared to the altitudes of the various cloud layers.) You can also specify a time factor which should be the length in seconds since the last time you called modify_vis(). The time_factor value allows the puffy cloud effect to be calculated correctly.

The modify_vis() method alters the SGSky's internal idea of visibility, so you should subsequently call get_visibility() to get the actual modified visibility. You should then make the appropriate glFog() calls to setup fog properly for your scene.

Accessor Methods

Once an instance of SGSky has been successfully initialized, there are a couple accessor methods you can use such as get_num_layers() to return the number of cloud layers, get_cloud_layer(i) to return cloud layer number i, get_visibility() to return the actual visibility as modified by the sky/cloud model.

Definition at line 209 of file sky.hxx.

Member Function Documentation

void SGSky::add_cloud_layer ( SGCloudLayer layer  ) 

Add a cloud layer.

Transfer pointer ownership to this object.

layer The new cloud layer to add.

Definition at line 190 of file sky.cxx.

void SGSky::build ( double  h_radius_m,
double  v_radius_m,
double  sun_size,
double  moon_size,
const SGEphemeris eph,
SGPropertyNode property_tree_node 

Initialize the sky and connect the components to the scene graph at the provided branch.

See discussion in detailed class description.

h_radius_m horizontal radius of sky dome
v_radius_m vertical radius of sky dome
sun_size size of sun
moon_size size of moon
nplanets number of planets
planet_data an array of planet right ascensions, declinations, and magnitudes
nstars number of stars
star_data an array of star right ascensions, declinations, and magnitudes

Definition at line 79 of file sky.cxx.

void SGSky::disable (  )  [inline]

Disable drawing of the sky in the scene graph.

The leaf node is still there, how ever it won't be traversed on by ssgCullandRender()

Definition at line 363 of file sky.hxx.

void SGSky::enable (  )  [inline]

Enable drawing of the sky.

Definition at line 355 of file sky.hxx.

SGCloudLayer * SGSky::get_cloud_layer ( int  i  ) 

Get a cloud layer (non-const).

Pointer ownership remains with this object.

i The index of the cloud layer, zero-based.
A non-const pointer to the cloud layer.

Definition at line 205 of file sky.cxx.

const SGCloudLayer * SGSky::get_cloud_layer ( int  i  )  const

Get a cloud layer (const).

Pointer ownership remains with this object.

i The index of the cloud layer, zero-based.
A const pointer to the cloud layer.

Definition at line 199 of file sky.cxx.

int SGSky::get_cloud_layer_count (  )  const

Return the number of cloud layers currently available.

The cloud layer count.

Definition at line 211 of file sky.cxx.

float SGSky::get_visibility (  )  const [inline]
current effective visibility

Definition at line 418 of file sky.hxx.

void SGSky::modify_vis ( float  alt,
float  time_factor 

Modify the given visibility based on cloud layers, thickness, transition range, and simulated "puffs".

See discussion in detailed class description.

alt current altitude
time_factor amount of time since modify_vis() last called so we can scale effect rates properly despite variable frame rates.

Definition at line 243 of file sky.cxx.

bool SGSky::repaint ( const SGSkyColor &  sc,
const SGEphemeris eph 

Repaint the sky components based on current value of sun_angle, sky, and fog colors.

You can also specify new star and planet data so that we can optionally change the magnitude of these (for day/night transitions.) See discussion in detailed class description.

Sun and moon angles are specified in degrees relative to local up 0 degrees = high noon 90 degrees = sun rise/set 180 degrees = darkest midnight

sky_color the base sky color (for the top of the dome)
fog_color the fog color (for the horizon)
sun_angle the sun angle with the horizon (for sunrise/sunset effects)
moon_angle the moon angle (so we can make it more yellow at the horizon)
nplanets number of planets
planet_data an array of planet right ascensions, declinations, and magnitudes
nstars number of stars
star_data an array of star right ascensions, declinations, and magnitudes

Definition at line 112 of file sky.cxx.

bool SGSky::reposition ( const SGSkyState &  st,
const SGEphemeris eph,
double  dt = 0.0 

Reposition the sky at the specified origin and orientation.

lon specifies a rotation about the Z axis lat specifies a rotation about the new Y axis spin specifies a rotation about the new Z axis (this allows additional orientation for the sunrise/set effects and is used by the skydome and perhaps clouds. See discussion in detailed class description.

view_pos specify your view position in world Cartesian coordinates
zero_elev the zero elevation position in world Cartesian coordinates
view_up the up vector in world Cartesian coordinates
lon current longitude
lat current latitude
alt current altitude
spin an offset angle for orienting the sky effects with the sun position so sunset and sunrise effects look correct.
gst GMT side real time
sun_ra the sun's current right ascension
sun_dec the sun's current declination
sun_dist the sun's distance from the current view point (to keep it inside your view volume.)
moon_ra the moon's current right ascension
moon_dec the moon's current declination
moon_dist the moon's distance from the current view point.

Definition at line 145 of file sky.cxx.

void SGSky::set_3dCloudDensity ( double  density  )  [virtual]

Set 3D cloud density.

density 3D cloud density

Definition at line 220 of file sky.cxx.

void SGSky::set_3dCloudVisRange ( float  vis  )  [virtual]

Set 3D cloud visibility range.

density 3D cloud visibility range

Definition at line 229 of file sky.cxx.

void SGSky::set_visibility ( float  v  )  [inline]

Set desired clear air visibility.

v visibility in meters

Definition at line 423 of file sky.hxx.

void SGSky::texture_path ( const string &  path  ) 

Specify the texture path (optional, defaults to current directory).

path base path to texture locations

Definition at line 237 of file sky.cxx.

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