SimGear project mission statement Version 1.0 7/4/2000 Curtis Olson The purpose of this project is to develop open-source libraries and building blocks to assist with rapid construction/prototyping of 3d simulation, game, and visualization software. 1. Open-Source: The libraries developed as part of this project will be released under the Gnu LGPL license. 2. Building blocks: SimGear intends to provide a common, standardized set of building block (libraries) which can be used by a variety of software projects including 3d realtime simulations, visualization software, and games. Some of the types of things we intend to include in SimGear are: - Lower level: o On the fly compression (zlib) o Console output/debugging infrastructure o Various linear algebra, spherical, and wgs84 math routines o Various routines to hide crosss platform differences o A sophisticated registry of data values o XML input/output o Serial I/O encapsulation o Network I/O encapsulation o OpenGL screen snapshots o - Higher level: o Magnetic variation model o METAR weather parsing o Timing and event handling routines o Sky model (sun, moon, stars, skydome, clouds, visibility) o Ephemeris model (calculates positions of astronomical objects) o Simple scenery renderer o Simple vehicle dynamics models