SGWayPoint Member List

This is the complete list of members for SGWayPoint, including all inherited members.
CourseAndDistance(const double cur_lon, const double cur_lat, const double cur_alt, double *course, double *dist) const SGWayPoint
CourseAndDistance(const SGWayPoint &wp, double *course, double *dist) const SGWayPoint
get_distance() const SGWayPoint [inline]
get_id() const SGWayPoint [inline]
get_name() const SGWayPoint [inline]
get_target_alt() const SGWayPoint [inline]
get_target_lat() const SGWayPoint [inline]
get_target_lon() const SGWayPoint [inline]
modetype enum nameSGWayPoint
set_distance(double d)SGWayPoint [inline]
SGWayPoint(const double lon=0.0, const double lat=0.0, const double alt=0.0, const modetype m=WGS84, const std::string &s="", const std::string &n="")SGWayPoint
SGWayPoint(const SGGeod &pos, const std::string &s, const std::string &n)SGWayPoint

Generated on 23 Feb 2010 for SimGear by  doxygen 1.6.1