SGTime Member List

This is the complete list of members for SGTime, including all inherited members.
get_cur_time() const SGTime [inline]
get_local_offset() const SGTime [inline]
get_zonename() const SGTime [inline]
getGmt() const SGTime [inline]
getGst() const SGTime [inline]
getJD() const SGTime [inline]
getLst() const SGTime [inline]
getMjd() const SGTime [inline]
SGTime(double lon_rad, double lat_rad, const std::string &root, time_t init_time)SGTime
SGTime(const std::string &root)SGTime
sgTimeCalcGST(double mjd)SGTime [related]
sgTimeCalcMJD(int mn, double dy, int yr)SGTime [related]
sgTimeCurrentMJD(time_t ct, long int warp)SGTime [related]
sgTimeFormatTime(const struct tm *p, char *buf)SGTime [related]
sgTimeGetGMT(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)SGTime [related]
sgTimeGetGMT(struct tm *the_time)SGTime [related]
update(double lon_rad, double lat_rad, time_t ct, long int warp)SGTime
updateLocal(double lon_rad, double lat_rad, const std::string &root)SGTime

Generated on 23 Feb 2010 for SimGear by  doxygen 1.6.1