SGMatrix< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SGMatrix< T >, including all inherited members.
data(void) const SGMatrix< T > [inline]
data(void)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j) const SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator*=(S s)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator*=(const SGMatrix< T > &m2)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator+=(const SGMatrix &m)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator-=(const SGMatrix &m)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator/=(S s)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator[](unsigned i) const SGMatrix< T > [inline]
operator[](unsigned i)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
set(const SGVec3< S > &trans)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
set(const SGQuat< S > &quat)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
set(const TransNegRef< T > &tm)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
sg(void) const)[4]SGMatrix< T > [inline]
sg(void))[4]SGMatrix< T > [inline]
SGMatrix(void)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
SGMatrix(const T *data)SGMatrix< T > [inline, explicit]
SGMatrix(T m00, T m01, T m02, T m03, T m10, T m11, T m12, T m13, T m20, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m30, T m31, T m32, T m33)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
SGMatrix(const SGVec3< S > &trans)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
SGMatrix(const SGQuat< S > &quat)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
SGMatrix(const TransNegRef< T > &tm)SGMatrix< T > [inline]
unit(void)SGMatrix< T > [inline, static]
zeros(void)SGMatrix< T > [inline, static]

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